
Retail US Market Watch

Produce Monthly Report

Joe Watson

“During the November period deflation in several of the top 10 vegetable categories impacted overall dollar volume. Key categories such as onions, potatoes, cauliflower and lettuce, contributed to the pressure on overall dollar sales due to deflation in those categories. Now that seasonal transition of vegetable production to the desert growing regions is complete, and provided weather doesn’t create unforeseen challenges in supply, December could be a strong conclusion to 2023.”

Joe Watson, VP, Retail, Foodservice & Wholesale for IFPA

November 2023

Fresh share

Fresh produce prices have remained much more stable than prices of frozen and canned fruit and vegetables that have inflating by double digits. As a result, the fresh share of dollars remains below-average, however, the pound share has remained stable.

Holiday commodities 

Performances continue to be very inconsistent with declines in dollars, units and pounds for some commodities whereas others are generating big gains over year ago levels. Likewise, price movement is very inconsistent as well.

Fresh herbs and pineapples gained in year-over-year pound sales, whereas other seasonal powerhouses such as potatoes, mushrooms, cranberries and celery lost ground.

State of Produce

November 2023 Price/Lb. $ Sales $ vs. YA Lbs. vs. YA
Fresh Fruits $1.86 | +4.5% $2.6B +5.0% +0.5%
Fresh Vegetables $1.81 | -2.0% $3.0B -2.9% -0.8%


Top Growth Commodities (NEW $)

Absolute $ gain vs. YA

Berries +$59.6M
Grapes +$44.4M
Melons +$18.3M
Mandarins +$12.1M
Limes +$8.5M
Herbs +$6.7M
Carrots +$6.6M
Plums +$4.8M
Pineapples +$4.4M
Sweet potatoes/yams +$4.3M

Archived Reports

October 2023
Cover of U.S. Produce Retail POS results October 2023. Pears on wooden boards with title: Capitalizing on Promotions, Shoppers Purchase Fresh Produce More Often

September 2023
IFPA IRI September Retail Report PDF Cover

August 2023
IFPA IRI August Retail Report PDF Cover

July 2023
IFPA IRI August Retail Report PDF Cover

June 2023
IFPA IRI June Retail Report PDF Cover

May 2023
IFPA IRI May Retail Report PDF Cover

April 2023
IFPA IRI April Retail Report PDF Cover

March 2023
IFPA IRI March Retail Report PDF Cover

February 2023
IFPA IRI February Retail Report PDF Cover

January 2023
IFPA IRI January Retail Report PDF Cover

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