
Circana Supermarket Floral Sales Data

Floral Remains an Above-Average Performer at the Start of Fall

According to the latest Circana (formerly IRI) results, the floral department continued to be an above-average performer in the four and 52 weeks ending mid-September in comparison to the same set of weeks last year. The four weeks ending September 10 showed a 4.1% improvement in dollar sales over year-ago levels. Unit sales were down by a little over 1% – better than the results seen in total food and beverages. The marketplace reflects stubborn buying patterns focused on reducing quantity in order to balance budgets. Floral dollar sales increased 3.2% in the 52-week period – underscoring the gradual improvement seen all year.




Sales by Type

At the category level, performances were mixed with strong growth for bouquets and arrangements in both dollars and units, whereas outdoor plants continued to struggle. Consumer/custom bunches experienced mild dollar declines as inflation was unable to offset the pullback in units.




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Archived Reports

September 2023
Floral report cover September 2023

August 2023
Floral report cover August 2023

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Floral report cover July 2023

June 2023
Floral report cover June 2023

May 2023
Floral report cover May 2023

April 2023
Floral report cover April 2023

March 2023
Floral report cover March 2023

February 2023
Floral report cover February 2023

January 2023
Floral report cover January 2023

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