Fresh Ideas Showcase

Highlight your new product or service in this high-traffic display area open to attendees before, during and after education and show hours.

OCT 19-21, 2023 ANAHEIM, CA.

Benefits include year-round online recognition, an on-site display shelf, and a product listing in the online/mobile directory. Judges and a panel of retailers will review the showcases and select one winner for "Best Product Promo" and one winner for "Best Sustainable Packaging".

How to Apply for a Showcase

Shelves are sold on a first-come, first-served basis, and space is limited. Showcases can be purchased in the booth application; applications launch on February 7, 2024.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Your company must be an exhibitor in the 2024 Global Produce & Floral Show
  2.  Your product, product line, or service must have been introduced since October 2023.

Showcase Pricing

IFPA Members: US$1,080
Non-Members: US$2,160

*Pricing does not increase for refrigeration or electricity, but exhibitors must place these requests before September 1 so that we can provide the necessary equipment. Refrigerated units are limited. Please note: all shelves are already lit with tube lighting. The electricity request is only if you need an outlet.

Showcase Shelf Options

Exhibitors have a variety of options to best showcase their new product/service.

  • Non-refrigerated Showcase:
    • Dimensions: 35" W X 16" H X 11" D
  • Refrigerated Showcase:
    • Dimensions: 21.5" W X 15" H X 24.25" D
      Kept at 36 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Floral Showcase (refrigeration not available):
    • We have two options:
      Horizontal shelf dimensions: 48” W x 21.5” H x 19” D
      Vertical shelf dimensions: 24”W x 33 ½“H x 19”D

Showcase Categories

In addition to the main showcase, we have a variety of branded sections to highlight consumer trends. Exhibitors may rent multiple shelves per category, but different products must be displayed in each shelf.

  • On-The-Go: For innovative products/services that make it easier for consumers to eat healthier while on-the-go or at home.
  • Certified Organic: For innovative products/services marketed as organic
  • Floral: For innovative floral products/services (refrigeration is not available in this category)
  • Packaging Innovations: Innovative packaging designs or sustainability efforts
  • Technology Innovations: For new approaches to tackling food waste, food safety, traceability, logistical processes, etc.

On-site Setup Process:

The showcases will be located in the Convention Center lobby. Shelf spaces are assigned by the order in which applications are received with payment. We do our best to ensure that companies are not directly beside any competitive products or services. Once on-site, staff will direct you to your assigned shelf, which cannot be changed.

Set up: Set up: Wednesday and Thursday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

  • The Showcase will be locked except during set-up, refresh, and tear-down times. Be sure to set up your display as early as possible on Thursday to maximize exposure.

Refresh Product: Friday and Saturday: 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.

  • If you need to access your shelf outside of these times, a staff member will be able to unlock it upon request. Award finalists will be determined by 5PM Friday.

Remove/Tear-Down Display: Saturday: 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.

  • PLEASE NOTE: Any items not removed by 6 p.m. will be discarded. IFPA cannot assume responsibility for any stolen or damaged items.

Showcase Contests

Best Overall Product Promo
Our Best of Show Judges and Retail Panel will review the online listings, on-site displays, and in-booth promotional efforts to determine top finalists. A panel of retailers will review and select the winner. All Fresh Ideas Showcase participants are automatically entered into this contest. To stand out to our judges, consider these tips:

  • Take the time to put together an informative online listing that generates excitement about your product.
  • Get creative with your showcase display. Standout shelves incorporate multimedia, eye-catching graphics, vibrant colors, enticing messages and invitations to the booth.  
  • Don’t forget to not only show/demo the new product or service in your booth, but also highlight the fact you have a new product with signage and graphic. This helps to draw people in that might not have stopped, as well as remind visitors who may have seen your showcase that you have something new and exciting to talk about. 

Best Sustainable Packaging
Companies whose product/solution aligns with the vision and criteria outlined below may notify show management  if they want to be considered for this award category.

  • Exhibitors must have a shelf in the Fresh Ideas Showcase
  • Product must meet or be aligned with target vision/criteria outlined in the Sustainable Packaging Coalition Guidelines:
    • Is beneficial, safe and healthy for individuals and communities throughout its life cycle
    • Meets market criteria for both performance and cost
    • Is sourced, manufactured, transported and recycled using renewable energy
    • Optimizes the use of renewable or recycled source materials
    • Is manufactured using clean production technologies and best practices
    • Is made from materials healthy in all probable end-of-life scenarios
    • Is physically designed to optimize materials and energy
    • Is effectively recovered and utilized in biological and/or industrial closed loop cycle

View photos of the 2023 showcase

People exploring vibrant exhibition hall for Fresh Ideas showcase with colorful displays.

Man checking out fresh food in the Fresh Ideas display case at GPFS 2023.

A group of individuals standing in a from of the Fresh Ideas Showcase with the slogan "The Joy of Fresh"

Two man looking at fresh flowers on display in a refrigerated display for the Fresh Ideas showcase 2023.

A woman takes a photo with her phone of display items at Fresh Ideas 2023.

A woman uses her phone to take photos of the floral display at The Global Produce and Floral show 2023 Fresh Ideas Showcase.

People standing in a spacious convention hall for 2023 Fresh Ideas Showcase. The words "A Force for Discovery" are printed in large letters on the wallPeople in a spacious indoor area, attentively observing various products related to Certified Organics at Fresh Ideas 2023.

A large crowd gathers around the Certified Organics display at GPFS Fresh Ideas Showcase.

A large crowd observe a showcase of fresh produce while one man takes a photo of the display with his phone.

A group of four observe items on display in a refrigerated display at The Fresh Ideas Showcase 2023.

Two men admire a colorful display at Fresh Ideas Showcase 2023. The GPFS logo can be seen in the background.

Bright orange sign that reads: Ask me how you can take action for out industry.

A man takes a picture of a bright orange and yellow display at Fresh Ideas Showcase 2023. The display has the words The Joy of Fresh in very large black letters.

A view from above of people walking on a bright yellow walkway at the Global Produce and Floral shows Fresh Ideas showcase exhibition.

An empty exhibition hall showing the Fresh Ideas showcase with bright orange, green, blue and yellow banners promoting Fresh Ideas, The Global Produce and Floral Show and the Joy of Fresh.

People in a spacious indoor area, attentively observing various products related to Certified Organics at Fresh Ideas 2023.

Nancy Pickersgill

Nancy Pickersgill

Trade Show Coordinator
International Fresh Produce Association

+1 (302) 781-5857
Kyle McMilan

Kyle McMillan

Director, Trade Shows

International Fresh Produce Association

+1 (302) 607-2130