Hotel & Travel



2024 Hotel Reservations

Reservation details coming soon. In the meantime, please be aware of scammers making false claims stating that they are affiliated with IFPA. We will be sharing our approved vendor list soon. If you are contacted by a company that seems unlawful, or if the deal sounds too good to be true (it is), please get as much information as you can and pass it on to the IFPA Expo Team at

Airline Information

Airport Information
Monterey Peninsula Airport (MRY)
200 Fred Kane Drive
Monterey, California
Phone: +1 (831)648-7000

Airport Ground Transportation
To obtain ground transportation from the MRY or SFO airports to most hotels, visit to make reservations.

Taxi Services

The following companies are just a few of the many companies available in Monterey. Please call them directly for fare information.

Car Share
Uber and Lyft are both available in Monterey. 

Train Service
The closest Amtrak train station is in Salinas, and from there you can take the local bus to Monterey. For information on Amtrak services, schedules and station hours, visit

Public Transportation
For information on Monterey-Salinas transit, visit

Rental Cars
Rental cars are available at the airport, and at other locations nearby.